Small Firm Focus
Large Firm Capabilities
Civil EnginEering
Water Resources
& Hydrogeology
Federal Services
WRA offers civil engineering services ranging from master planning and feasibility assessments for due diligence, through full civil design, permitting, contractor procurement and construction administration services. Our civil engineers have extensive regional and local experience, and a clear understanding of Florida’s unique physical characteristics as well as its complex regulatory environment. WRA's broad focus includes civil engineering for residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, and recreational projects, including mixed use development that combines many of the above. Special expertise includes:
Land Development
Engineering Feasibility Assessments
Construction Management
Military Training Range Design
Federal Infrastructure
HOA and CDD Support
Click Below for a comprehensive list of our Civil Engineering Services.
WRA has developed and permitted water allocation strategies that meet both the client’s and water management district’s needs and requirements. The permitting process requires creative and innovative approaches to both the development of water supplies and demand reduction. WRA has both the policy/administrative experience and the technical expertise to meet the growing water demands of the state’s water users. Special expertise includes:
Water Use Permitting
Water Supply Planning
Alternative Water Supply Planning
Water Quality Analysis
Hydrogeologic Services
Public Facilitation
Click Below for a comprehensive list of our Water Resource Services.
Our team of environmental scientists have extensive professional experience in a variety of environmental disciplines including habitat evaluation and restoration, marine and estuarine ecology, freshwater and saltwater wetlands, pollution prevention, water quality analysis and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Our environmental managers are accomplished and degreed in environmental science, policy and engineering. The permitting expertise of our environmental team is to a large degree responsible for earning our reputation as a company that performs, providing cost and time savings to our clients during due diligence, permitting, and implementation of environmental management obligations. Special expertise includes:
Wetland delineations and jurisdictional determinations
Wetland Impact and Mitigation Permitting
Threatened & Endangered Species Assessments
Water Quality Analysis
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Click Below for a comprehensive list of our Environmental Services.
WRA has demonstrated excellence for the United States Range and Training Land Program (RTLP), and for our international allies, through planning and design of dozens of military training facilities through the U.S. and internationally in Europe and the Middle East. WRA also provides general civil infrastructure design support for military installations throughout the country. WRA has lead large project teams under Federal Small Business Contracts, and also serves in supporting rolls to large and small DoD contractors throughout the industry. WRA has extensive experience in both design-build and design-bid-build project administration. Special expertise includes:
Military Training Ranges
Military Facility Master Planning
Federal Civil Infrastructure
Congressional Cost Estimating
Click Below for a comprehensive list of our Federal Services.

Headquartered in Tampa Florida, WRA is a multi-disciplinary engineering firm specializing in civil engineering, land development and permitting, water supply planning and permitting, environmental sciences, and military training range design. Founded in 1997, WRA taps a unique combination of technical and regulatory experience to assist clients with comprehensive planning, design and project management. Our multi-disciplinary staff of highly trained professionals has made WRA the firm of choice for clients seeking innovative, cost effective solutions to the most complex civil engineering, environmental and water resource management challenges.
WRA is dedicated to the complete satisfaction of our clients. Our philosophy is simple… “Give the client what they want, when they want it”. We fully understand the client’s need to have an expeditious completion of tasks to meet their deadlines and provide them with a successful outcome. WRA prides itself on the ability to work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and take the steps necessary to exceed their expectations. We work extremely hard to keep our clients with WRA. Our record of long standing client relationships proves this goal has been a priority for WRA. You only have to choose WRA one time and you will be convinced that we deliver for the client.