Army Range Targets

Army Range Targets - Terms

Active Army
The active Army consists of (1) members of the Regular Army on active duty; (2) members of the Army
National Guard of the United States and Army Reserves on active duty (other than for training); (3)
members of the Army National Guard in the service of the United States pursuant to a call; and (4)
persons appointed, enlisted, or inducted into the Army without component.

After-action review (AAR)
A professional discussion that focuses on the objectives of ongoing or completed training. It reviews a
training activity to permit participants to discover for themselves what happened and why.

Army National Guard
The Army portion of the organized militia of the states, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia whose units and members are federally recognized.

Army National Guard of the United States
A reserve component of the Army, all of whose members are members of the Army National Guard.

Category code
A numerical code used to classify and categorize Army real property. The Army generally uses a fivedigit
code to plan, program, budget, design, construct, inventory, and maintain its facilities.

Collective training
Training either in institutions or units that prepares cohesive teams and units to accomplish their missions on the battlefield and in operations other than war.

Combined arms live-fire exercise (CALFEX)
A combat exercise in which a combined-arms team, in combat formation, conducts a coordinated combat firing and maneuver practice to assault, seize, and defend appropriate objectives. The CALFEX may include tactical air support.

Cook off
A functioning of any of the ammunition explosive components because of high temperatures within the

Crew-served weapon
A weapon system for which a crew of at least two members is required.
Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below
A digital command-and-control system that provides battle command and situational awareness
information from brigade down to the soldier and platform level.

Hang fire
A delay in functioning of a weapon.

Impact area
The land area and associated airspace within a training complex intended to capture or contain
ammunition, munitions, or explosives to include resulting debris, fragments, and components from
weapon system employment.

An aggregation of contiguous or near-contiguous, common mission-supporting real property holdings
under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense or a state, the District of Columbia, territory,
commonwealth, or possession, controlled by and at which a Department of Defense unit or activity (active or Reserve Component) is permanently assigned. A fixed location together with its land, buildings, structures, utilities, and improvements.

A failure to fire, not necessarily hazardous. Since it cannot readily be distinguished from a delay in
functioning (hang fire), it must be handled as worst case in accordance with procedures for the weapon

Mission Training Plan (MTP)
A guide for units on what and how to train to achieve mission proficiency. It identifies unit wartime
missions and the critical tasks that support them, provides comprehensive training and evaluation
outlines, and provides exercises and other management aids to assist field commanders in planning and executing unit training.

An area that is reserved and normally equipped for practice in weapons delivery or shooting at targets.

Reserve Components (RC)
The US Army Reserve (USAR) and the US Army National Guard (ARNG).

Stryker Brigade Combat Team (SBCT)
The Army’s evolving structure – called the “transformation force.” The restructured Army will have
improved deployment characteristics while maintaining the capability to provide humanitarian assistance and prosecute military operations in low to high intensity conflicts.

Sub caliber ammunition
Practice ammunition of a caliber smaller than standard for the gun on which practice is being given. Sub caliber ammunition is economical and may be fired in relatively crowded areas. It is used with special subcaliber equipment to simulate firing conditions with standard ammunition.

Surface danger zone (SDZ)
The area designated on the ground of a training complex (to include associated safety areas) for the
vertical and lateral containment of projectiles, fragments, debris, and components resulting from the firing or detonation of weapon systems. Army Regulation and Department of the Army Pamphlet 385-63 describes and illustrates weapon-system SDZs.

Sustainment training
Individual and collective training conducted in the unit or resident school to ensure continued expertise on the operations, employment, and logistics support of fielded systems or equipment.

Tactical engagement simulation training system
An advanced collective training methodology supported by a family of TADSS used in free-play force-onforce, field training exercises. The TES training system consists of three subsystems – the simulator
subsystem which includes TADSS and supporting procedures that simulate casualty-producing effects of weapons in real time; the control subsystem which includes a staff of trained observer-controllers who referee, ensure realism, record events, and report actions observed through AARs and unit take-home packages; and the management subsystem which includes activities and computers to plan, schedule, conduct, and evaluate the training of battle-focused METL tasks to standard.

Take-home package (THP)
A compilation of a unit’s experience at a combat training center (CTC) provided to the unit after
completing training at the CTC. The observer-controllers compile the THP using engagement and other
data collected by the CTC instrumentation system. The THP lets the unit replay a training exercise at an
LTA or MTA, focusing on areas that need improvement to achieve and sustain readiness.

The number of individuals, crews, or units that use a range. The number of individuals, crews, or units
required to train is the throughput requirement. The number of individuals, crews, or units that can
accomplish all required iterations of training on a given range during a single year is the annual
throughput capacity of the range. When comparing the annual throughput requirement and capacity, if
the throughput capacity exceeds the throughput requirement of a given range, there exists excess
capacity. If the throughput requirement exceeds the throughput capacity, a need exists for additional
training capability.

Training aids, devices, simulators, and simulations (TADSS)
A term that includes training range and combat training center (CTC) instrumentation, tactical
engagement simulation (TES), battle simulation, army range targets, training-unique ammunition, and dummy, drill,
and inert munitions. TADSS are subject to the public laws and regulatory guidance governing the
acquisition of materiel.

Training land
The term “training land” encompasses facilities (e.g., ranges, maneuver land, proficiency courses, and
direct-support facilities) dedicated to preparing and sustaining personnel and units to meet mission roles and standards. Examples include facilities to support training personnel in weapon systems use and proficiency, occupational skills, and standards developed.

Army Range Targets - Terms