Benderson Park Awarded More Funding

On Monday, Governer Rick Scott approved another $5 million as part of the state budget to fund the completion of Nathan Benderson Park. This extra funding comes with the hopes that Benderson Park will be awarded the 2017 International Rowing Championship. It allows for developers to tailor the rowing facility to the needs of the rowing officials, which will reassure them that Benderson Park is the best location to host this prestigious event. Three Manatee County officials will be going to Switzerland in July to lobby for Nathan Benderson Park's award of the World Rowing Championship. If the park is chosen to host the event, it could potentially have a $24 million economic impact on the area for the 17 days that the Chamiopnship will be in town. This could help Manatee County restablish itself as a tourist hub in Florida, and bring a boost to their economy. Phase 1 of Nathan Benderson Park has an estimated completion date of August 2013.


St. Leo Parking Garage Wins Award


Ft. Wainwright- MRF