Water Resources | Tampa FL - WRA Engineering

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FEMA Map Modernization

Florida’s Water Management Districts – FEMA Map Modernization Coordination

fema_logo_538218The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is updating flood mapping throughout the U.S.  This includes improving flood elevations; updating flood delineations; conversion to aerial mapping; and putting the information in a digital format.  The FEMA Map Modernization Program (MapMod) is a process that will make using technical information generated by the program more user friendly.   Florida has some of the most flood susceptible areas in the nation when totaling the miles of coastal and riverine and wetland acreage. WRA provided organizational and facilitation services for Florida’s five water management districts in an effort to coordinate and maximize Federal support for the FEMA MapMod program in Florida. WRA also coordinated implementation of the MapMod program with other state and Federal agencies soliciting participation in enhancing MapMod efforts.