Ft. Bliss - MPMG
WRA provided complete architectural engineering design services for a Multipurpose Machine Gun (MPMG) training range at Fort Bliss, Texas to support the FY13 range program. This design project is part of WRA’s 5-year, Small-Business, Range and Training Program (RTLP) contract with the Huntsville Corps of Engineers (USACE-Huntsville). The USACE-Fort Worth District directed and managed this specific delivery order. The MPMG range is used to train and test soldiers on many of the skills our elite forces require in preparation for service. This range supports light through heavy machine gun, Mk-19, and M21/24 sniper weapons. The MPMG range is based on the Huntsville standards, with unique modifications to best fit the range to the existing terrain, as well as to meet site specific surface danger zone (SDZ) limitations. A major part of siting this range was the SDZ (surface danger zone) constraints for the four sniper lanes where .50 caliber weapons are used with extended SDZs. Many iterations of the range layout were provided by WRA to best fit the limited area given by range control. WRA prepared SDZ limits for each option to ensure other ranges where not comprised and also to ensure SDZ remained on installation boundaries. WRA was in direct coordination with range control, TCM-Live, and Huntsville during the range layout optimization to ensure all parties were satisfied before continuing design efforts toward the 35% design review. The Range Operations and Control Area (ROCA) includes the following standard buildings: Range Control Tower, Classroom Building, Operations / Storage Building, Covered Mess, Covered Bleacher, Ammunition Breakdown Building, and Vaulted Latrine. Many iterations of the ROCA area were reviewed by Range Control to develop the best plan to optimize throughput and operations of day to day range activities. Additional vehicle driving areas to the starting line were included due to the flat terrain and to maximize overall range flexibility.
RecognitionCory Kozielski, Training Specialist, TRADOC Capability Manager – Live – refers to WRA MPMG range layout at Ft. Bliss - “Good work on this one. Of Course, I have gotten used to that from you guys!!!!”