Mark Farrell Talks 'New' Water

Mark_WRA_400-300x225Mark Farrell, P.E., Principal at WRA and President of the Florida Reuse Association, was recently published in the Tampa Tribune for a piece he did regarding recycled water in Florida. In the article, Farrell states that although Florida is the leader in reclaimed water production, there is still so much we could do with our water use policy to save the copious amount of water that still gets cast aside on a daily basis. Especially in a state where we still see constant drought. There is a proposed study which will be published in December 2015, which Farrell feels will greatly help Florida understand just how much reclaimed water we have and how we can use it to the best of our abilities. He also hopes that we can find ways to educate the public on the fact that reclaimed water is not a bad thing; when treated properly, its just as useful as non-reclaimed water. Mark Farrell, P.E., founded WRA with Peter Hubbell in 1997. He was previously an assistant executive director at the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD). You can view a scan of the article on WRA's Facebook page at:


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