Reclaimed Water Supply

Reclaimed Water Supply Development and Water Use Permitting

Hickory Hill Development

Hernando County, FL

CIV-hickory4_400WRA is the principal engineering firm for the development and permitting of the non-potable water supply system for the Hickory Hill residential development located in HernandoCounty.  Hickory Hill is a 2,766-acre multi-phase, multi-year project containing residential development and three (3) golf courses. The water supply plan minimizes the use of groundwater for non-potable demand of the development.  Water demand is met by a combination of reclaimed water, captured stormwater and water flowing from natural seeps on the property.  The system is also supplemented with groundwater to augment the supply system in periods of dry weather. CIV-hickory3_400WRA was responsible for developing the non-potable water supply system and obtaining the Water Use Permit (WUP) that was required for both surface and groundwater supply development.  This innovative approach and design resulted in efficiencies and use of alternative water supplies at a rate which qualified Hickory Hill for a 1,775,000 gallon per day WUP and one of the first and few 20-year WUPs issued by the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD). Working with Hickory Hill and Hernando County WRA was also responsible for coordinating, applying and qualifying the project for cooperative funding from SWFWMD for a major portion of the storage and transmission infrastructure required for the reclaimed water system.  This cooperative funding will pay for 50% of this infrastructure. 


Farm Pilot Project (FPPC)


Hillsborough County Study