[twothirds]WRA is the prime engineering firm to design and permit a regional reclaimed water delivery project located in Hillsborough County and Polk County, Florida. The project is being provided to Water Partners, Inc., a public–private partnership between Hillsborough County, Mosaic Fertilizer LLC and Tampa Electric Company. This project was conceived by WRA and is receiving federal and state funding in response to its innovative use of existing private sector facilities and high efficiency use of reclaimed water in a water scarce region of Florida.The project design includes the infrastructure for a 32 mile, 36 inch pipeline, 600 acre reservoir and associated pumping stations. In addition to the design, WRA is responsible for securing all necessary permits for construction and post-construction operation of the project. Civil Design elements include the following:
Connections to the Hillsborough County Valrico Wastewater Treatment Facility
On-site storage tanks and pump station design for a maximum 26 million gallons /day schedule
Transmission pipeline encompassing a 32 mile ductile iron pipe alignment
Design of aerial river crossings with wetlands mitigation
Water quality treatment design and operations plan
Design of 2.1 Billion gallon storage reservoir
Assisting in the securing of easements
Development of operation plan
Project Components
Utility Transmission Design
Utility Corridor Planning
Public Funding Facilitation
Utility Retrofit
Reservoir Retrofit
Permit Facilitation
Developed Operation and Maintenance Plans[/onethirdlast]