Digital Multipurpose Range Complex

This Digital Multipurpose Range Complex is used to train and test armor, infantry and aviation crews, sections, squads and platoons on skills necessary to detect, identify, engage and defeat stationary and moving infantry and armor targets in a tactical array. Company Combined Arms Live Fire Exercises (CALFEX) may also be conducted on this facility. This complex also accommodates training with subcaliber and/or laser training devices. This complex supports dismounted infantry platoon tactical live-fire operations either independently of, or simultaneously with, supporting vehicles.

Primary features include:
DMPRC consists of a base area A and two optional areas B & C.

Area A - footprint is previous MPRC 1.5k x 5k with digital capability. (Meets minimum standards of armor/infantry/aviation units)

Sixty-nine stationary armor targets
Eleven moving armor targets
Thirty-five Infantry target emplacement clusters (245 SITs and 35 MITs total)
Four Trenches
Two Breaching Obstacles
Three Lanes (Six course roads)
Thirty-six Defilade battle positions

Area B - 500 m lateral extension on both sides of area A, extending to end of range (Allows greater dispersion of targets and separation of firing vehicles in order to maximize capabilities of digital platforms)

Twenty Stationary armor targets
Ten Infantry target emplacement clusters
(70 SITs and 10 MITs total)

Area C - two thousand extension in depth, the width of range (Provides greater aviation capabilities and facilitates future long range direct-fire engagements from ground platforms)

Eleven Stationary armor targets
Four Moving armor targets
Static targets

All targets are fully automated, utilizing event-specific, computer driven target scenarios and scoring. Targets will receive and transmit digital data from the range operations center. The captured data is then compiled and available to the unit during the after action review.

Associated Range Operations and Control facilities:
Standard Armor ROCA Facilities
Except Small AAR (17118) replaced by Large AAR (17117); and no General Instruction Building (17120)

Additional Information: This complex uses thermal targets, night illumination devices, and hostile-fire, target-kill, and visual flash simulators. Location of the boresight must be coordinated with the trainer. Gunnery tasks requiring the usage of dud producing ammunition cannot be fired on the complex. Provisions for these tasks must be made in impact areas adjacent to the complex.

Digital Multipurpose Training Range Complex