An Anti-armor Tracking and Live Fire Complex is used to train and test soldiers on the skills necessary to employ weapons, identify, track, engage and defeat stationary and moving armor targets presented individually or as part of a tactical array. The complex is designed to satisfy the training and qualification requirements of medium and heavy anti-armor weapon systems.

Primary features include:

2 Moving armor targets

4 Stationary armor targets

1 Course road

All targets are fully automated, computer driven, and scored from the range operations center. The range operating system is fully capable of providing immediate performance feedback to the using participants.

Associated Range Operations and Control facilities:

Standard Armor ROCA Facilities

Except Range Operations Center, Large (17124) replaced by Range Operations Center, Small (17123);

no Ammo Breakdown Building (17129) and no Small AAR Building (17118)

Requirement Document: FM 3-20.8, FM 23-34, FM 23-24, FM 3-22.37, FM 3-22.999A

Additional Information: Location of the boresight must be coordinated with the trainer.

Gunnery tasks requiring the usage of dud producing ammunition cannot be fired on the range. Provisions for these tasks must be made in impact areas adjacent to the Anti-armor Tracking and Live Fire Complex.

This Anti-armor Tracking and Live Fire Complex is a year-round, comprehensive and realistic training and range facility for the training, testing, and qualification of anti-armor Soldiers and crews in anti-armor engagement skills. This range is used by the anti-armor Soldiers and crews assigned to units on the installation and reserve component Soldiers that habitually train at the installation.

The range is used to train, test, and qualify individual anti-armor Soldiers and crews on the skills necessary for anti-armor weapon systems and to identify, track, engage, and defeat stationary and moving armor targets presented individually or as a part of a tactical array. The range complex is designed to satisfy the training, testing, and qualification requirements of medium and heavy anti-armor weapon systems.

Soldiers and anti-armor crews must become proficient in anti-armor engagement skills in order for them to conduct operations effectively in wartime and to be prepared for future global combat operations.

Primary features of thiss range include five moving armor targets (MATs), 12 stationary armor targets (SATs), and one course road. All targets are fully automated, computer driven, and scored from the range operations center. The range operating system is fully capable of providing immediate performance feedback to the using participants. Anti-armor gunnery task requiring the usage of dud-producing ammunition cannot be fired on this range.

If necessary, and unexploded ordnance survey would be conducted prior to range construction.

Anti-terrorism/force protection (AT/FP) includes vehicle barriers, appropriate vehicle parking setbacks, security lighting, and gates. Sustainable design will be incorporated where possible.

Anti-armor Tracking and Live Fire Complex