Field Artillery Indirect Range

A Field Artillery Indirect Range is used to train field artillery crews on the skills necessary to apply fire mission data, engage, and hit stationary targets in a tactical array.

Primary features include:
Surveyed firing points
Dedicated impact areas with hard targets

No automation is required for a Field Artillery Indirect Range.

Associated Range Operations and Control facilities:
No standard facilities are associated with this Field Artillery Indirect Range.

Ideally, this impact area is adjacent to direct fire ranges. The alternative firing line should be located to fit the specific site. Natural terrain and vegetation should remain undisturbed to the maximum extent possible.

The battery firing position depends on the size of the weapon, formation and terrain at the firing point. Depending on the types of artillery planned, the following data should be used.

M117/M102 (105 mm) Battery:
Position: 500 wide
Range: 1500 deep, 7500 wide

M109/M198 (155 mm) Battery and M110 (203mm) Battery:
Position: 1000 wide
Range: 25,000 wide, 12,500 deep

MLRS Launcher (one weapon live fire):
Position: 10 wide
Range: 15,000 wide, 30,000 deep
Rear of launch blast: 800 deep, 400 wide

Field Artillery Indirect Range