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Hillsborough County

“Linking Land Use & Water Supply:  An Interactive Forum” - Hillsborough County City-County Planning Commission

The Hillsborough County City-County Planning Commission (Commission) hosted and sponsored the “Linking Land Use & Water Supply:  An Interactive Forum” (Forum) held in March 2010 at the Stetson University College of Law.  The Forum was conceived by the Executive Director of the Commission to provide valuable information on land use and water supply issues as complex Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan Amendments are scheduled for Commission review and action.  The goal of the forum was to bring together local experts in land planning, water resource management, water supply development and environmental resources to discuss, educate and debate the many issues revolving around growth in the area and sustainable water supplies to support it.

Water Resource Associates (WRA) was contracted by the Commission to coordinate the development, implementation and facilitation of the event.  After meetings with key Commission staff and stakeholders responsible for water supply in the area, Commission staff and WRA designed the plan for the Forum.  This design contained; Goals; Proposed Outcomes; Target Audiences; Speakers/Panelists; Forum Structure/Agenda; Forum Topics, Issues and Possible Questions; Budget Considerations; and Outstanding Issues/Questions/Concerns.