WRA Small Business Site Visit

WRA was pleased to open their doors to the 2013 Small Business of the Year judges yesterday for the last step in the competition; the site visit. We planned an elaborate game of WRA Family Feud which highlighted and showcased WRA's management philosophy and community service contributions. The judges seemed to enjoy themselves tremendously, and the whole WRA Team had a lot of fun planning and executing this game! Winners of the Small Business of the Year will be announced on September 20th at the Awards Ceremony, to be held at the Tampa Convention Center. Pictures from the site visit can be found on WRA's Facebook page, or by clicking the link below:https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.571748942882698.1073741828.464504250273835&type=1&l=96a29db087  


Benderson Park Awarded Rowing Championship


U.S. Rowing Masters Championship at Benderson Park